How to support children with ADHD from Andrew fuller


So, your kid has ADHD. Where do you even start? The challenges can seem endless but don’t lose hope. You’ve got this. With the right knowledge and support children with ADHD from Andrew fuller don’t have to define your child or family. In this podcast, psychologist Andrew Fuller dishes out practical advice for helping children … Read more

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How your Children math’s education might be very different from yours


Have you ever wondered how your child’s math education might be different from your own? Math instruction is transforming before our eyes. Gone are the days of memorizing multiplication tables and timed tests. Today, math education focuses on building a deep understanding of numbers, quantitative reasoning, and problem-solving skills from an early age. As a … Read more

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5 reasons kids still need to learn handwriting


You remember learning cursive in elementary school, right? All those hours practicing the loops and swirls of cursive letters until your hand cramped. While cursive may seem outdated in today’s digital world, teaching children handwriting is still important for their development. Don’t worry, I’m not here to guilt you into forcing your kids to write … Read more

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how to talk to kids about the cost of living crunch


Ever sat down to pay the bills only to realize costs have crept up again? The rising cost of living is hitting families hard, and it’s tough figuring out how to explain it to the kids without worrying them about the cost of living crunch. Rachael Sharman, Sydney’s go-to expert for helping parents talk finances with … Read more

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Getting Involved Parents Making a Difference


In a world where the importance of parental involvement in education is widely recognized, the role of parents in their children’s academic journey cannot be overstated. When parents actively engage in their child’s education, it often leads to improved student success, better academic achievement, and a positive learning environment. In this blog post, we will … Read more

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Taking care of emotions a guide for parents and their kids


So, your kid is having trouble managing their emotions. Maybe they throw tantrums when angry or get overly frustrated. As a parent, you want to help them but aren’t always sure how. Emotional intelligence is key for success and well-being, and the good news is these skills can be learned. In this guide, we’ll walk … Read more

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Is your child being bullied, how parents can help?


You send your kids off to school each day expecting them to learn and grow into responsible, caring individuals. But what if your child is dealing with bullying? As a parent, it can be hard to determine if your child is being bullied or just experiencing the normal ups and downs of childhood. The truth … Read more

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Why meditation should be taught in schools


Have you ever wondered why schools don’t teach kids meditation and mindfulness? It seems like a no-brainer. As a student, life moves fast with constant demands on your time and attention. Stress and anxiety are rampant. Your mind is always racing from one thought to the next, rarely resting in the present moment. What if … Read more

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The case for banning corporal punishment of kids


Corporal Punishment like spanking, paddling or hitting does way more harm than good. It damages the trusting bond between parent and child and teaches kids that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems or influence behavior. Countless studies have shown that corporal punishment increases the risks of mental health issues, cognitive problems, and aggression … Read more

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