4 signs of Parental Burnout and what you can do better about it

Parental Burnout

You love your kids more than anything, but some days the demands of parenting feel totally overwhelming. When was the last time you had a decent night’s sleep or enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee? If the thought of another temper tantrum, messy room, or endless questions makes you want to run for the hills, … Read more

5 reasons kids still need to learn handwriting


You remember learning cursive in elementary school, right? All those hours practicing the loops and swirls of cursive letters until your hand cramped. While cursive may seem outdated in today’s digital world, teaching children handwriting is still important for their development. Don’t worry, I’m not here to guilt you into forcing your kids to write … Read more

how to talk to kids about the cost of living crunch


Ever sat down to pay the bills only to realize costs have crept up again? The rising cost of living is hitting families hard, and it’s tough figuring out how to explain it to the kids without worrying them about the cost of living crunch. Rachael Sharman, Sydney’s go-to expert for helping parents talk finances with … Read more

So you want to be a sound designer or voice over artist


Hey there, sounds like you’ve got your sights set on a career as a sound designer or voice actor. That’s awesome! The world of voice-over is an exciting one with so many opportunities these days in film, television, audiobooks, animation, video games, and beyond. Whether you dream of doing character voices for cartoons, recording audiobooks … Read more